
NEW: Cell Phones & Personal Device Expectations – “Away During Class”

In conversation with staff and many families, it is clear that the impact of device usage is an issue. Too often, young people are distracted by their cell phones and personal devices, which may in turn result in instructional opportunities lost. This affects student mastery of concepts as a whole. Additionally, I have observed that some cell phone and personal device usage while in class has resulted in instances of bullying or other negative behaviors. The U.S. Surgeon General has also released a report detailing concerns about youth use of social media and overall access to technology.

To that end, Washington-Liberty High School’s “Away During Class” Expectation is that all student cell phones and personal devices will be away and out of sight during / while in class. This is in the best interest of continuing to create an optimal learning environment free of extraneous distractions. These devices CAN BE used IF directed by teachers for a specific curricular purpose. This expectation will take into consideration medical necessities and/or emergencies.  

Together we will strive to continue to change the culture, have restorative conversations, further create an environment of accountability, and KEEP the focus on learning in a healthy school environment. A learning environment where cell phones and personal devices are away and out of sight during/while in class helps to do just that.

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