W-L Color Guard

Color Guard is a SPORT OF THE ARTS meaning you'll be PHYSICALLY ACTIVE and have a CREATIVE OUTLET. You'll learn to SPIN, DANCE, and PERFORM while you LAUGH and HAVE FUN! It's a great way for new students to MAKE FRIENDS BEFORE SCHOOL STARTS and for underclassmen to find a mentor through our built-in MENTORSHIP PROGRAM!


Noelle Smith - Director

Charlotte Poethke - Director

Andrea Donovan - Administrative Manager

Matthew Sedatole - Band Director


Fill out our Interest Form to receive emails about upcoming events or to ask the coaches any questions you might have. Our summer clinics are a great opportunity for you to come, meet the team, and just give color guard a try! 

What we've done

Here are some of our past performances! It takes a lot of hard, but REALLY fun work to get a show ready for an audience. We hope you enjoy them!

Duality of Mind - Fall 2023

Shadows of the Forest - Winter 2023

The Queen, The Crown, & The Thief - Fall 2022
My Wish for You - Winter 2022
Chicago Skylines - Fall 2021
Instructions for a Bad Day - Winter 2020

Fire and Ice - Fall 2019

Start Over - Winter 2019