
Student-athletes Join PAVE on Bravo TV

Several students recently joined the PAVE organization to discuss the correlation between athletics and sexual assault or misconduct. This event will be broadcasted by Bravo TV in April for Sexual Assault Awareness Month.

The athletes discussed their role as leaders within the schools and understanding, as well as misunderstandings, of consent. A key focus was talking about being “more than an athlete” and how they are not always seen for their character or personality, but only their athletic ability. The conversations were extremely in-depth and passionate. PAVE empowers students, parents, and civic leaders to end sexual violence with prevention education promoting respect for oneself and each other. Additionally, PAVE creates a safe space for survivors to thrive after trauma.

W-L has become the first high school to have a club and creed for the W-L Chapter of PAVE Athletes for Consent. In recent years the school’s “Men of Respect Club” have seen membership skyrocket and they are always looking for like minded students to become involved. Students will be attending the Sexual Assault and Consent Summit at Georgetown Day School in November to share their visions and ideas for other schools athletic programs. Club sponsor, Ms. Petty proclaimed, “I am very proud of the athletes and look forward to continuing to grow the program here at W-L and within the Arlington community.”

If you wish to learn more check out the PAVE HOMEPAGE or contact Ms. Kyle Petty to learn more.

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