
Category: News

Weekly Writing Prompt

April 30, 2018

Rubber ducks were first patented as floating rubber toys in the mid-twentieth century by sculptor Peter Ganine, thereafter becoming...

Freshman Arlington HS Latin Certamen Team Captures 1st Place in State Finals

April 27, 2018

On Saturday, April 21st, the Arlington High School Latin Certamen team placed first in the Advanced Open category at...

PLEDGE: Say No to Distracted Driving

April 26, 2018

Weekly Writing Prompt

April 23, 2018

Is it possible to tell a story about getting better that is as compelling as a story of falling...

Students Earn Honors at Virginia State Science Fair

April 19, 2018

Senior Earns National Merit Scholarship

April 18, 2018

Weekly Writing Prompt

April 16, 2018

In the past fifteen years or so, dozens of lighthouses no longer needed by the United States Coast Guard...

Select Students Accepted into Foreign Languages Governor’s Academies for Summer 2018

April 16, 2018

Congratulations to the following students for being accepted to represent W-L in the prestigious Foreign Languages Governor’s Academies this summer....

Music Dept. Has Superior Showing at Myrtle Beach Music Competition

April 16, 2018

Washington – Lee High School Music Department took home several distinctions at the Myrtle Beach Music Competition held annually...

Winter Guard Takes Gold Medal and as a Result Promoted to Next Classification

April 13, 2018

The Washington-Lee HS (Winter) Color Guard won the Gold Medal at the Atlantic Indoor Association Championships on April 7,...