
Summer Reading @ W-L Library

There are a lot of great ways to read this summer, including our W-L Library digital collection!

thumbnail of Summer Reading

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W-L Library's Digital Collection

Check out W-L Library’s digital ebooks  and audiobooks available 24/7 in SORA. Go to Sora or myAccess to access our digital collection.



Arlington Public Library

Adventure Begins at Your Library:
Summer Reading

Join Arlington Public Library’s Summer Reading Challenge.

This summer, adventure begins at Arlington Public Library as you read and participate in fun programs and experiences.

Read for a cause and support Outdoor Lab and earn fun prizes and tickets to a Washington Nationals Game!

Register in the Arlington Public Library app or pick up a paper reading log at any library location to record your reading. It’s perfectly legit to backdate your reading log. You only need to read for any 21 days starting on June 1 to win prizes.