
Graduate Information


W-L IB Diploma Program Data

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“The enormous amount of opportunities for extracurricular CAS activities has made time management the most important skill to have as the mixture of academics, student organizations, and social scene can easily overwhelm the brightest students. The IB program taught me to develop routines to ensure all of my work got done on time and allowed me to go out and enjoy UVA to the fullest.” —  Patrick Muggill ’14

“In general, essay writing was one of my favorite aspects of the program.  The opportunity to focus our  IAs on topics of our choosing allowed me to expand my knowledge greatly, while learning important research and writing skills.  The IA I wrote on the perejil massacre of 1937  for History of the Americas was one of the most rewarding that I remember.  The guidance of our teachers was very helpful, and leaves me feeling much better prepared for college.  The extended essay was the most rewarding part of IB for me.  The individual work with a single mentor and the opportunity to focus on an aspect completely of my choosing led me to a topic and a method that resulted in great personal growth.”

Jesse Ferrell ’12

“As a student from a multicultural home, growing up largely without English at home, IB helped foster my sense as a multicultural and global citizen. My IB HL History and English classes allowed me to explore history and literature from different countries – Russia, Austria, China, Mexico and countless others – allowing me to explore cultures I wouldn’t have otherwise in the high school context. The strong foreign language component was also helpful in fostering a broader mindset.”

Lucas LeBlanc ’11

“As the activities I did in CAS inspired me to care about my community, so did English make me care deeply about and better understand language.  My eleventh grade English teacher taught me how to write essays of literary analysis, such as the comparison of Dostoyevsky’s Crime and Punishment to Camus’ The Stranger. This change from writing superficial reports on books to writing in-depth analyses on specific passages within certain books forced me to think critically and analyze the motives of the authors.  I started writing less of what happened and more of how and why the author included certain themes, citing specific evidence within the passage.  Analyzing a book or a passage within it involves deciphering the motives of characters and understanding themes and issues of morality in the real world, so readers must make their own value judgments in order to judge the characters’.  IB English, therefore, has taught me how to think using my previous knowledge and beliefs, showing its real-world validity.”

Ben Yatt ’11

“My experience in the IB program has made me realize the importance of education, rather than the importance of the debate between IB and AP.  In 2007, I took the Standard Level IB Psychology course.  I loved the class and scored a 6 [on a 7-point scale] on the IB exam.  The colleges in which I was interested in did not offer credit for the SL course so, as an experiement, I took the AP Psychology test as well.  I scored a 4 [on a 5-point scale] on the AP test, which qualified me for college credit.  Lesson learned?  IB taught me psychology well enough to do very well on both standardized exams.  More over, I enjoyed the class and learned a tremendous amount.  For me, that is the true value of an IB education.”

Aliya Pilchen ’09

“I was well prepared for the college workload.  IB introduced me to a multidisciplinary education that is similar to the liberal arts education that I am currently receiving at Spellman College.  IB also introduced me to the rigor necessary to excel in my undergraduate career.”

Frances Roberts-Gregory ’08

“I feel like IB has really helped me transition easily into college.  All of the credit I was awarded made me a sophomore, which is extremely convenient, as I don’t have to take a lot of the general requirements, allowing me to concentrate more on classes that pertain to my major.  Also, I developed good study strategies and time-management, which definitely have been carried with me to college.  This has really helped me, as I am able to balance my priorities and get everything I need to done while still having time to relax.”

Therese Gavin ’08

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