
Colleges / Univ. Have Begun Visiting!

Colleges and Universities from across the country will be visiting W-L. The visits are open to all students grades 9-12, though most students find them beneficial in 11th and 12th grade. If students are interested in attending a college visit, they must do two things:

  1. Sign-up in their Naviance accounts. (My Colleges, Research Colleges, College Visits, Register)
  2. Obtain a pass from their counselor or myself at least two (2) days prior to the visit. The pass must be signed by the student’s teacher allowing them to be released from class. Students are responsible for missed work.

A full list of scheduled visits is available in Naviance and on the College and Career website.

*If students are attending an 11am visit, they have been told they need to be in the proper location by 10:55am. It is up to the teacher if a student can leave class. Students are encouraged to attend and an important way for them to make connections with college representatives.

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